How To Make A Baby Quilt | A Complete Guide
There is nothing quite like a baby quilt, especially one that you’ve made yourself. Here we’ll tell you everything you need to know about baby quilts.

Best Iron for Quilting | A Buyer’s Guide
With so many quilting irons on the market, it can be hard to choose. We will guide you on how to choose a good iron and even recommend a few.

The 5 Best Cutting Mats for Quilting
A cutting mat is an integral part of a quilter’s toolset. But before you go out and get the first one you see, here are a few things you should know.

How To Make a T-Shirt Quilt | Quick & Easy Guide
Do you have a sentimental attachment to your T-shirts but need a sustainable way to store them? Well, it may be time for you to make a T-shirt quilt!

Quilting Stencils | A Beginner’s Guide
While quilting can be confusing for a beginner, Quilting Stencils can actually make things easier. Here we talk all about these nifty tools.

9 Stunning Barn Quilt Patterns | Sunflower, Patriotic and Modern
Today’s crafting scene, is full of variety. Not only can you create old school quilts but you can also go for a much more non-traditional choice; barn quilts.

How to Finish a Quilt
When you finish a quilt top, the next step can be tricky. Since there are many ways to finish a quilt, we decided to make it easier with this guide.

5 Handy Quilting Gloves You Need
If you’re a newbie to the quilting world, you may not know what quilting gloves are. Here we’ll tell you all about them, and the 5 best ones to buy.

9 Elegant Stained Glass Quilt Patterns
Making a Stained Glass Quilt isn’t that difficult. With good instructions, even a beginner can do one. Here are 9 elegant patterns for inspiration!

5 of the Best Machine Quilting Rulers
A machine quilting ruler can help you with even the hardest quilting projects. Learn how to use one, and check out our list of the best ones out there.

How to Bind a Quilt
You can’t get far in quilting without knowing how to bind a quilt. Here we’ll explain how you can easily bind your quilt, leaving it neat and ready to use.

12 Eye-Popping Rainbow Quilt Patterns
I have always loved rainbow quilt patterns. I don’t know what it is about them that just gets me in a good mood. Here are my top 12!

Chicken Quilt Patterns | My 10 Favorites
I have done several chicken quilts in my life, each one somehow different from the other. The one thing I’ve learned; chicken quilt patterns are extremely cute!

Easy Quilt Blocks That Look Difficult
Have you ever looked at quilts other people make and wonder how talented they must be? With these easy quilt blocks that look difficult, you can show off too!

How to Wash a Quilt | 5 Easy Options
When it comes to quilts, it’s all fun and games until you have to wash one. Well I’d like to share how to wash a quilt, so you don’t have to stress like I did!

How to Hang a Quilt | 5 Easy Methods
When the time comes to show off your beautiful quilts, you might be wondering how to hang a quilt. Here we’ll share 5 easy methods.